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Overview summary of 2.4.6 doesn't match the meaning of the success criterion

jfhector opened this issue · comments

What the summary of 2.4.6 on the overview page says

On the overview page, the summary of Success Criterion 2.4.6 currently tells readers to "provide headings and labels":

Provide headings and form labels that will help people find content and complete tasks.

What the official phrasing of 2.4.6 says

But in fact, WCAG SC 2.4.6 doesn't require headings and labels to be provided (that's covered by 1.3.1 and 1.4.2). It only says that headings and labels that are provided must accurately describe topic or purpose:

2.4.6 Headings and Labels: Headings and labels describe topic or purpose. (Level AA)

So, not using labels or headings is not a violation of 2.4.6. What is a violation of 2.4.6 is using labels or headings that don't correctly describe the topic of their associated section or input.

The summary of 2.4.6 on the 'All requirements' page is correct

The summary of 2.4.6 in the 'All requirements' page gets that right:

Headings must indicate the topic or purpose of the content in that section of the page, and labels must indicate the purpose of the field they relate to.

We agree. When you provide headings and labels make sure they describe the topic or purpose of the page.