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Published experiment can be reset from Web UI

gustavoeb opened this issue · comments


When a single Published experiment is selected in the Web UI, the Reset option is grayed out - as expected.
When multiple experiments are selected, some Published and some Unpublished, it is possible to use the context menu (right click) to reset all experiments - causing loss of data that should be read-only (Published experiments).

Reproduction steps

  1. Publish one experiment
  2. Select one published and one un-published experiment
  3. Using the context menu (right-click) trigger the Reset command

Expected behaviour

I'd expect Published - and therefore read-only - experiments, never to be inadvertently reset. The behaviour should either be throwing an exception, or resetting only experiments that can be reset and multiple are selected.


  • Server type: self hosted
  • ClearML SDK Version: Not applicable, Web UI
  • ClearML Server Version: 7.2.0
  • Python Version: Not applicable, Web UI
  • OS (Windows \ Linux \ Macos): Not applicable, Web UI

Thanks for reporting @gustavoeb.

Latest versions of ClearML server allow only resetting the non-published items out of the selection - Are you using an up to date version? (ClearML server does not yet have a 7.2.0 version. You can check the bottom of the Settings page)

Thanks @ainoam. Seems like I was referring to a helm chart tag (7.2.0), which if I understand correctly is actually ClearML 1.11.0?

Anyways glad to hear this is fixed in later versions. I'll close it for now.