allegro / php-protobuf

PHP Protobuf - Google's Protocol Buffers for PHP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Blocking code

sm2017 opened this issue · comments

When I use set{FIELD}($value) in one of my object , The execution of code will be blocked with out error and exception and never resumed to next line , If I commend this set{FIELD}($value) execution will be blocked at serializeToString with no error and exception

How can I debug this ? it is possible I change your C codes to show what happens? and why this line blocks code without error?

I understand where is problem , there is a bug in allegro/php-protobuf

If tag numbers are not sequence , this bug will block code , for example if you use sequence 1,2,3,100

@sm2017 Could you please show code example?

I try to create an example but , I cannot do this ,I dont know why , I exactly do like in my project but there is no problem out of project

I solve my problem in project , just use sequence numbers in .proto file fie fields