allegro / php-protobuf

PHP Protobuf - Google's Protocol Buffers for PHP

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Problem occured When Using protoc-gen-php.php

rocketsryf opened this issue · comments

I use command php protoc-gen-php.php foo.proto
Then show me following content
ERROR: Unable to parse a message passed by protoc. : parse error - "'span' field wire type is length-delimited but should be varint"

I do not konw what does the error mean;

Take a look at #98.

@hjagodzinski ,thank you
another question:
--php_out: protoc-gen-php: Plugin output is unparseable: This is a stub file for IDEs, don't use it directly!
what does it mean?

You welcome! It means you have included this file You should not when running your code. You should have installed a module instead.