allanwhledu / Roam-Enhancement

Collection of JavaScript extensions for RoamResearch.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PDF Highlighter for Roam Research



To install, do the same thing you do for any roam/js script.

  1. Create page in Roam (if not already present) called [[roam/js]]

  2. If you previously installed this script by copying from a GitHub Gist, remove it from [[roam/js]] now.

  3. Create a new block on this page and enter: ```

  4. Nest under that block a Code Block

  5. Make sure the code language is set as JavaScript

  6. Paste the following into the new Code Block

    window.pdfParams = {
     	//Highlight Placement, Order, and Sort
     	outputHighlighAt : 'cousin', //cousin, child
     	appendHighlight  : true, //append: true, prepend: false
     	breadCrumbAttribute : 'Title', //Title, Author, Citekey, etc.
     	copyBlockRef : true,//false: copy captured text
     	sortBtnText  : 'sort them all!',
     	//Rerference Highlight Buttons
     	aliasChar : '✳', //use '' to disable
     	textChar : 'T', //use '' to disable	
     	pdfStaticHeight : 900,
     	pdfStaticWidth : 1200,
     	pdfMinWidth : 450,
     	pdfMinHeight : 900,
     	///Citation Format 
     	blockQ : false,//true: adds [[>]] to the hls.	
     	//use Citekey and page in any formating string 
     	//common usecase: 
     	////Zotero imports with 'roam page title' = @Citekey and Citekey attribute
     	//"[(${Citekey}, ${page})]([[@${Citekey}]])" 
     	//use '' to disable  
     	citationFormat : ''
    var s = document.createElement("script");
    s.type = "text/javascript";
    s.src = "";
  7. A warning box shows up asking you to review the risks of using roam/js.

  8. Once you have reviewed the warning and understand/accept the risk, click Yes.

  9. Refresh Roam and the script should now be installed!


To install the CSS put this line in a CSS code block on you [[roam/css]] page:

@import url('');


Enhanced YouTube Player for Roam Research



To install, do the same thing you do for any roam/js script.

  1. Create page in Roam (if not already present) called [[roam/js]]

  2. If you previously installed this script by copying from a GitHub Gist, remove it from [[roam/js]] now.

  3. Create a new block on this page and enter: ```

  4. Nest under that block a Code Block

  5. Make sure the code language is set as JavaScript

  6. Paste the following into the new Code Block

    window.ytParams = {
      ////Player Style
      border : '0px',
      borderStyle : 'inset',
      borderRadius : '25px',
      ////Player Size
      vidHeight : 480,
      vidWidth : 720,
      grabTitleKey : 'alt+a t',
      grabTimeKey : 'alt+a n',  
      ////Speed Controls
      normalSpeedKey : 'alt+a 0',
      speedUpKey: 'alt+a =',
      speedDownKey: 'alt+a -',
      ////Volume Controls
      muteKey: 'alt+a m',
      volUpKey: 'alt+a i',
      volDownKey: 'alt+a k',
      ////Playback Controls
      playPauseKey : 'alt+a p', 
      backwardKey: 'alt+a j',
      forwardKey: 'alt+a l'
    var s = document.createElement("script");
    s.type = "text/javascript";
    s.src = "";
  7. A warning box shows up asking you to review the risks of using roam/js.

  8. Once you have reviewed the warning and understand/accept the risk, click Yes.

  9. Refresh Roam and the script should now be installed!


To install the CSS put this line in a CSS code block on you [[roam/css]] page:

@import url('');


Responsive/Resizable Player

You can set the original iframe size here in the code plus the border style.

  • Parameters: Border style of the video and its height and width when the right sidebar is closed.
    • borderStyle : border style
    • border : border thickness
    • borderRadius : curvature of corners
    • vidHeight : height
    • vidWidth : width
  • Demo
    • responsive player

YouTube Timestamp

You can add timestamps to videos using a shortcut.

  • Parameters:
    • grabTitleKey: if in a DIRECT child block of the YT video, grabs the title and paste it to the beginning of the current block.
    • grabTimeKey: if in ANY child blocks of the YT video, it captures the player's current time and pastes it to the beginning of the block.
  • Demo
    • timestamp

In-text Controllable Player

You can control the YT player while you are typing.

  • If you have one player on the page, shortcuts will control the player, easy.

  • When multi YT players are present

    • If only one is playing: shortcuts will control the playing one.
    • If nothing is playing, shortcuts will control the last playing video you paused by shortcut (not mouse click). For example, you can mute/unmute or -10/+10 the last video you paused or play it with alt+a p.
    • If multiple videos are playing, everything is ambiguous, so you can only control the first one (according to the order of appearance on the page). You can pause them all in order by alt+a p, though.
  • Parameters:

    • playPauseKey: play/pause the most recent player or the first one
    • backwardKey: go backward 10 sec
    • forwardKey: go forward 10 sec
    • normalSpeedKey: set the playback rate to 1
    • speedUpKey: increase the rate by .25
    • speedDownKey: decrease the rate by .25
    • muteKey: mute the player
    • volUpKey: increase volume by 10/100
    • volDownKey: decrease volume by 10/100
  • Demo

    • timestamp


Collection of JavaScript extensions for RoamResearch.


Language:JavaScript 97.3%Language:CSS 2.7%