allanchua101 / ocelot-compose

Docker compose sample for Ocelot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


High Level Diagram

This section showcases basic usage of Ocelot as API Gateway.

Why Ocelot

Ocelot is a pluggable API gateway that you can install on top of core projects. DIY gateways generally offer the following benefits:

  • Open-source and free of charge
  • Good for existing on-premise deployments without modifications to ecosystem
  • Can easily be propagated to cloud environments (Low migration cost)


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Postman (Optional for testing)

Running Demo

Run the following shell command to boot up this demo

# Windows Users and Root Linux Users
docker-compose up -d

# Non-root Linux Users
sudo docker-compose up -d

Importing Postman Payload

You can utilize the postman payload found on the root of this folder to test both downstream and gateway endpoints.

Testing Dowstream APIs using CURL

To retrieve from downstream endpoints:

# Dowstream Product List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52790/api/products/list

# Dowstream User List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52791/api/users/list

# Dowstream Transaction List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52792/api/transactions/list

Testing Gateway APIs using CURL

To retrieve from gateway endpoints:

# Gateway Product List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52793/api/products

# Gateway User List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52793/api/users

# Gateway Transaction List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52793/api/transactions


Docker compose sample for Ocelot

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 63.3%Language:C# 22.4%Language:Dockerfile 6.7%Language:HTML 5.4%Language:CSS 2.2%