alixander / Ceruleum

OSX app to track the changes to your code going towards your next commit.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ceruleum (Mac App)

Track the changes to your code going towards your next commit.


Download latest version


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2


Ceruleum is intended to be used as a background tool during coding sessions. As you work on the next PR, jumping around different parts of the codebase can make it hard to keep track of all your changes (variable name, constant value, function signatures, etc). Keep Ceruleum open as a background app and use a keyboard shortcut to quickly toggle it into view to get an overview of the changes made.

It's basically an offline, live diff viewer of files staged in version control.

Built with Electron and React.


  • git add the files you intend to commit
  • Open Ceruleum, toggle focus with Command+X.


  • Onboarding
  • Night/day mode


OSX app to track the changes to your code going towards your next commit.


Language:JavaScript 89.0%Language:CSS 9.0%Language:HTML 2.0%