alisen39 / TrWebOCR


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ROI越界, exited: trwebocr (terminated by SIGABRT (core dumped); not expected)

jyworker opened this issue · comments

大神,大量terminated by SIGABRT (core dumped) 怎么回事。
TrWebOCR core.104 core.140 core.20 core.56 core.80 etc lib64 opt run supervisord.log tmp
bin core.116 core.152 core.32 core.68 core.92 home media proc sbin usr
boot core.128 core.164 core.44 core.8 dev lib mnt root srv sys var

2022-07-11 09:15:03,318 INFO success: trwebocr entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2022-07-11 09:21:58,244 INFO exited: trwebocr (terminated by SIGABRT (core dumped); not expected)
2022-07-11 09:21:59,372 INFO spawned: 'trwebocr' with pid 116
2022-07-11 09:22:00,675 INFO success: trwebocr entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2022-07-12 01:05:20,737 INFO exited: trwebocr (terminated by SIGABRT (core dumped); not expected)
2022-07-12 01:05:21,740 INFO spawned: 'trwebocr' with pid 128
2022-07-12 01:05:23,182 INFO success: trwebocr entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2022-07-12 01:08:16,230 INFO exited: trwebocr (terminated by SIGABRT (core dumped); not expected)
2022-07-12 01:08:17,242 INFO spawned: 'trwebocr' with pid 140
2022-07-12 01:08:18,481 INFO success: trwebocr entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2022-07-12 01:08:53,049 INFO exited: trwebocr (terminated by SIGABRT (core dumped); not expected)
2022-07-12 01:08:54,051 INFO spawned: 'trwebocr' with pid 152
2022-07-12 01:08:55,289 INFO success: trwebocr entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2022-07-12 01:16:32,616 INFO exited: trwebocr (terminated by SIGABRT (core dumped); not expected)
2022-07-12 01:16:33,623 INFO spawned: 'trwebocr' with pid 164
2022-07-12 01:16:34,905 INFO success: trwebocr entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2022-07-12 01:17:14,950 INFO exited: trwebocr (terminated by SIGABRT (core dumped); not expected)
2022-07-12 01:17:15,952 INFO spawned: 'trwebocr' with pid 176
2022-07-12 01:17:17,170 INFO success: trwebocr entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

@alisen39 当我用这张图片的时候,直接报上面的错,程序崩溃了。出现 dump

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): OpenCV(4.3.0) /home/hgzn/share/opencv-4.3.0/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:466: error:
(-215:Assertion failed) 0 <= roi.x && 0 <= roi.width && roi.x + roi.width <= m.cols && 0 <= roi.y && 0 <= roi.height && roi.y + roi.height <= m.rows in function 'Mat'

已放弃 (核心已转储)

把 png图片转成jpg后,问题解决。