alirezaeiii / Dialpad-CustomView

Custom ViewGroup that lays out child views with equal distance.

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Number is not displaying!

dishankEbizz opened this issue · comments

Hello, Hope you are doing good.

When I am clicking on number of dialer the number is not displaying in display section. Can you please guide me for this?

Thanks in advance.

Thank you for your question. This sample is just showing you custom padLayout and is not supposed to show you more info. In this sample : it is showing you the numbers as well.

Thank you for quick response. If I want to change font color of number and alphabet then can I do it without implementing whole module?

No, at the moment this has not been implemented, so you need to make a change in the module.

Okay. Thanks

Hi again, in the padLayout there is a Style file that you can override in order to change the color : DialpadKeyNumberStyle and DialpadKeyLettersStyle. For instance check the style file of the sample link, I posted you above.

Okay. Thanks

It working fine now. Thanks for your quick help.