alilja / VTPhysicsDocumentation

Documentation for VirtuTrace's new physics engine.

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Dynamic Physics Engine Documentation

The system is designed to make upgrading as simple as possible. Just use loadModel like you normally would, except don't use addChild afterwards:

void Example::configure(const std::string& config_file){

    loadModel(conf, "world", rootNode_);
    loadModel(conf, "house", rootNode_);
    loadModel(conf, "door", rootNode_);
    loadModel(conf, "cow", rootNode_);


loadModel will still return a Node*, so make sure you remove any addChild calls you have.

System Structure

The key files are PhysicsConfigurator and RealWorldPhysics. ArticulationVistor no longer exists — models are added on-the-fly using PhysicsConfigurator::addModel. Scene.h contains a pointer to a scene's specific PhysicsConfigurator, which allows you to access phyiscs-related functions like applying impulses, forces, and identifying specific nodes.


Scene.h contains a convenience loadModel function that simply calls physics_config_->addModel. addModel is the canonical way to add new elements to a scene, but for convenient upgrading, loadModel has been created.

PhysicsConfigurator::addModel does two main things: it moves all models specified in the configuration file to the right location, and then sets up phyiscs to those that require it. It does not place the objects into the world — that is handled by RealWorldPhysics during its activation. addModel reads the configuration file for the model, scale, rotation, and location information.

The model is passed to a PhysicsVisitor, which reads the model to identify which parts of need physics applied to them and the collision shape proxytypes. These are placed in PhysicsVisitor::node_collision_shapes_, which can be accessed with PhysicsVisitor::get_collision_shapes().

addModel next creates a "master" transformation node that it sticks everything under. This node is given the name specified by the model_id argument.

Non-Colliding Objects

A static_matrix_transform is created containing the transformation of the non-colliding objects — that is, objects that have no relationship to the physical world. You might use this for things like a skybox, ground plants, or any other decorative object. All of the non-colliding objects are added to this matrix transform, which is then added to the master_node. After this, these objects are done — RealWorldPhysics doesn't act on them.

Colliding Objects

There are two types of colliding objects: dynamic objects, which can move, and static objects, which cannot. Unless explicitly specified in the configuration file by adding <physics> and <mass> tags, all objects are static. Because each of these objects needs to be handled separately within the same model group, each receives its own transformation node separate from the master_node. This new node is added to the master_node.

OsgBullet's CreationRecord class is then used to create the rigid body. The scene graph and Bullet are tied together with the cr->_sceneGraph = matrix_transform line — Bullet doesn't care about the Geode, only the MatrixTransform attached to it. The _shapeType is collected from the PhysicsVisitor, and mass and restitution are applied. Then the btRigidBody* is created.

The last step is to create the Geode. We need to attach a MotionState to it (I don't know why. I think this is the interface to Bullet, so if we move something around here Bullet learns about it), so we get the one from the btRigidBody we just created. Then we apply the translation steps to the motionstate (which I believe updates Bullet), and applies the transforms to the world. Finally, we stick this shiny new rigid body in dynamic_bodies_.


Scenes are created on the fly, so we can't add the rigid bodies directly to the dynamics world from PhyiscsConfigurator because it doesn't exist yet. It doesn't actually get created until the activation method of RealWorldPhysics, so that's where we finally add the rigid bodies we made to the world. We iterate over dynamic_bodies_ and add each of them to the world using addRigidBody.

You'll notice the COL_* elements — these are collision filters. Because the player object is a ghost object, it can't interact with physics objects. This manifested as a bug whereby all the physics objects could interact with each other, but they'd stop the player dead in their tracks, regardless of mass. To fix this, all physical objects are given collision filters (COL_*), including the player object.


Any time you want to interact with the physics of objects, you do it through PhysicsConfigurator (which is also where you should add new physics-related methods). From a scene, you can get access to these methods from physics_config_->*.

  • addModel: Adds a model to the scene. See also loadModel, which does the exact same thing but uses the old-style formatting.

  • find_rigid_body: Given a name, will return a btRigidBody*. Don't use this unless you really have to.

  • apply_impulse: Applies an impulse (actually a Bullet force, for reasons of Bullet's bizarre legacy support) to an object.

  • apply_force: Applies a constant force to an object (again, for legacy reasons, this is actually considered an additional force of gravity. Don't complain to me, man.).

  • apply_torque: Applies a torque impulse to an object.

Configuration Files


Configuration files for the new physics engine look generally the same. They start with the usual header:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE scene SYSTEM "Scene.dtd">

And then the scene tag:

<scene name="Maze">

This tells VirtuTrace what your scene's name is (which you plug in to SceneManager.xml) and gets everything ready for your models.


All models are contained within the <models> tag:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE scene SYSTEM "Scene.dtd">

<scene name="Maze">
        <model id="maze"></model>

A model has a few parameters you can add:

  • file: specify the model's file location, e.g. <file>${VT_MODELS_PATH}/Maze/maze.obj</file>

  • position: <position x="0" y="-100" z="200" /> You can also specify the name of another node, and that node's position will be used for this object's starting position. If you want this object to stay with that node, you'll have to do that in code.

  • rotation: <rotation x="90" y="0" z="0" />

There's also two sub-groups: physics and collidables. You need both subgroups if you want physics applied to your objects. An object without physics will not interact with the world in any way.

The collidables subgroup allows you to specify regular expressions and collision shapes for parts of the model you want to have collisions. This allows multi-part models to have some areas with collisions and others without.

    <geode shape="BOX">floor\.[0-9]+_Plane.*</geode>
    <geode shape="BOX">Cube\.[0-9]+_Cube\.[0-9]+</geode>

Then, you need to specify the physics properties you'd like to apply. Note that these are applied to the entire model, and different parts cannot have different physical properties. Presently, you can specificy mass and restitution.

  • mass: The mass of the object. Defaults to 0. If set to 0, the object is static and will interact with colliding objects but cannot be moved itself. Useful for floors, walls, etc.

  • restitution: How quickly movement decays. Ranges from 0.0 – 1.0, but high values create hilarity.


Documentation for VirtuTrace's new physics engine.