alievk / npbg

Neural Point-Based Graphics

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multi-GPU support for training?

Yurri-hub opened this issue · comments


I try to train a large-scale scene with large number of point clouds.
But I received a CUDA out of memory error at the start of training.

Is there any way to train the model on Multi-GPUs?

Hi @Yurri-hub, yes, you can specify multigpu: True in train config or --multigpu in command line when running python The indices of the GPUs used can be specified via CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,5" python ..., where indices should be specified instead of "0,1,5". Also make sure to set the batch_size accordingly in order to avoid memory issues.


Thank you for your reply. It helps a lot.