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Got Stuck at FeatureExtraction[question]

TheDrHell opened this issue · comments

[2024-05-02 12:10:20.469695] [0x00003278] [trace] Embedded OCIO configuration file: 'C:\Users\samus\OneDrive\Desktop\Meshroom-2023.3.0\aliceVision/share/aliceVision/config.ocio' found.
Program called with the following parameters:

  • contrastFiltering = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::feature::EFeatureConstrastFiltering"
  • describerPreset = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::feature::EImageDescriberPreset"
  • describerQuality = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::feature::EFeatureQuality"
  • describerTypes = "dspsift"
  • forceCpuExtraction = 1
  • gridFiltering = 1
  • input = "C:/Users/samus/OneDrive/Dokumente/MeshroomCache/CameraInit/ee7d702cedbcd782ec07f4d8613b2276bacfe583/cameraInit.sfm"
  • maskExtension = "jpg"
  • maskInvert = 0
  • masksFolder = ""
  • maxCoresAvailable = Unknown Type "unsigned int" (default)
  • maxMemoryAvailable = 18446744073709551615 (default)
  • maxNbFeatures = 0 (default)
  • maxThreads = 0
  • output = "C:/Users/samus/OneDrive/Dokumente/MeshroomCache/FeatureExtraction/d97bd87a47a9ed2a47474d7f79e09c8784330d01"
  • rangeSize = 40
  • rangeStart = 0
  • relativePeakThreshold = 0.02 (default)
  • verboseLevel = "info"
  • workingColorSpace = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::image::EImageColorSpace"

Hardware :
Detected core count : 16
OpenMP will use 16 cores
Detected available memory : 25216 Mo

[12:10:20.471696][info] CUDA-Enabled GPU.
Device information:
- id: 0
- name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
- compute capability: 8.6
- clock frequency (kHz): 1837000
- total device memory: 12287 MB
- device memory available: 11233 MB
- per-block shared memory: 49152
- warp size: 32
- max threads per block: 1024
- max threads per SM(X): 1536
- max block sizes: {1024,1024,64}
- max grid sizes: {2147483647,65535,65535}
- max 2D array texture: {131072,65536}
- max 3D array texture: {16384,16384,16384}
- max 2D linear texture: {131072,65000,2097120}
- max 2D layered texture: {32768,32768,2048}
- number of SM(x)s: 28
- registers per SM(x): 65536
- registers per block: 65536
- concurrent kernels: yes
- mapping host memory: yes
- unified addressing: yes
- texture alignment: 512 byte
- pitch alignment: 32 byte
CUDA build version: 11.6
[12:10:20.605327][info] Job max memory consumption for one image: 9487 MB
[12:10:20.605327][info] Memory information:
- Total RAM: 31.9278 GB
- Free RAM: 24.5073 GB
- Available RAM: 24.5073 GB
- Total swap: 131072 GB
- Free swap: 131015 GB
[12:10:20.605327][info] Max number of threads regarding memory usage: 2
[12:10:20.605327][info] # threads for extraction: 2

Set the verbose level for this node to debug or trace. Maybe it will provide some useful information.

It Sadly does still say the same for some reason and i got no clue why...

[2024-05-02 14:00:06.332748] [0x00000670] [trace] Embedded OCIO configuration file: 'C:\Users\samus\OneDrive\Desktop\Meshroom-2023.3.0\aliceVision/share/aliceVision/config.ocio' found.
Program called with the following parameters:

  • contrastFiltering = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::feature::EFeatureConstrastFiltering"
  • describerPreset = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::feature::EImageDescriberPreset"
  • describerQuality = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::feature::EFeatureQuality"
  • describerTypes = "dspsift"
  • forceCpuExtraction = 1
  • gridFiltering = 1
  • input = "C:/Users/samus/OneDrive/Dokumente/MeshroomCache/CameraInit/0077a269940225b8ca3f6ccbf5136d3b93a11bf6/cameraInit.sfm"
  • maskExtension = "png"
  • maskInvert = 0
  • masksFolder = ""
  • maxCoresAvailable = Unknown Type "unsigned int" (default)
  • maxMemoryAvailable = 18446744073709551615 (default)
  • maxNbFeatures = 0 (default)
  • maxThreads = 0
  • output = "C:/Users/samus/OneDrive/Dokumente/MeshroomCache/FeatureExtraction/c02dcb91cc06befbdb9a60f9e6f3138665ad1346"
  • rangeSize = 40
  • rangeStart = 0
  • relativePeakThreshold = 0.02 (default)
  • verboseLevel = "trace"
  • workingColorSpace = Unknown Type "enum aliceVision::image::EImageColorSpace"

Hardware :
Detected core count : 16
OpenMP will use 16 cores
Detected available memory : 24727 Mo

[14:00:06.334749][info] CUDA-Enabled GPU.
Device information:
- id: 0
- name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
- compute capability: 8.6
- clock frequency (kHz): 1837000
- total device memory: 12287 MB
- device memory available: 11233 MB
- per-block shared memory: 49152
- warp size: 32
- max threads per block: 1024
- max threads per SM(X): 1536
- max block sizes: {1024,1024,64}
- max grid sizes: {2147483647,65535,65535}
- max 2D array texture: {131072,65536}
- max 3D array texture: {16384,16384,16384}
- max 2D linear texture: {131072,65000,2097120}
- max 2D layered texture: {32768,32768,2048}
- number of SM(x)s: 28
- registers per SM(x): 65536
- registers per block: 65536
- concurrent kernels: yes
- mapping host memory: yes
- unified addressing: yes
- texture alignment: 512 byte
- pitch alignment: 32 byte
CUDA build version: 11.6
[14:00:06.460046][info] Job max memory consumption for one image: 9487 MB
[14:00:06.460046][info] Memory information:
- Total RAM: 31.9278 GB
- Free RAM: 24.0364 GB
- Available RAM: 24.0364 GB
- Total swap: 131072 GB
- Free swap: 131015 GB
[14:00:06.460046][info] Max number of threads regarding memory usage: 2
[14:00:06.460046][info] # threads for extraction: 2
[14:00:06.460046][debug] [IO] Read Image: C:/Users/samus/Downloads/Würfeli/20240429_115958.jpg

What if you set Max Nb Threads to 1.

Well i would like to try that out but idon't have any Threads to change...
Screenshot 2024-05-02 144703

Enable "advanced parameters" in the top right menu of the node editor.

Ah alright i did but the problem seems to stay the same. Can that maybe also happen if the quality of the pictures is to high since some of them are like 7612x16320. I really don't know what else could be the problem...

Downscale a photo to various sizes and see which ones work.

I see that your files are in your onedrive folder. I had the exact same problem with 2 differents set and I had to move the file out of the OneDrive folder. I know it sounds weird, but let me know if that work for you also. I haven't got through more investigation as it was working for me.