algorand / sandbox

Algorand node sandbox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

docker images in docker hub

gsmachado opened this issue · comments


This is rather a question than a bug/feature.

Is this git repo the one that is used to build all images in

Could you please better specify how the docker hub images are built? (i.e., which git repo contains the Dockerfile etc)

@ryanRfox do you have a clue? or maybe know someone that could answer me that? 😄

It is not, the docker images here are their own thing

+1 for getting official sandbox images pushed to docker hub. If I want to run sandbox on my CI/CD pipeline then I need to wait for ages for it to build the sandbox and if the current code in main branch is busted then it fails (which happened when I ran it today).

If there are official images then we can pull the latest stable one and it will run really quickly and reliably.

FYI my team has open sourced some code that we use to create performant dev sandbox environments via docker-compose and some images we publish to DockerHub:

Closing this issue since it's not really an issue and the questions have been answered.