algorand / sandbox

Algorand node sandbox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Indexer `v2.10.0` disables query parameters that were previously enabled and results in different behaviour

aldur opened this issue · comments

Subject of the issue

I had a few reports that unit tests for SCs relying on the sandbox and the indexer are failing since indexer release 2.10.0, because of the latest changes to query parameters.

Specifically, they would need tx-type to be enabled for /v2/transactions, but the default config has it disabled.

        - limit: enabled
        - next: enabled
        - note-prefix: disabled
        - tx-type: disabled

Has anyone thought about how to address this in the sandbox? I can provide a PR that either enables all parameters for the indexer or reads from a custom configuration file.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Compile dev sandbox (with indexer)
  2. Run unit tests relying on /v2/transactions?tx-type=X

Expected behaviour

Successful tests.

Actual behaviour

    "message": "provided disabled parameter: tx-type"

Closing this as it was related to unreleased indexer code (rather than v2.10.0), which gets built by the sandbox in dev.