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design: tech debt: e2e tests refactoring

tzaffi opened this issue · comments


The end to end tests are an important sanity check ensuring that the latest version of indexer is production-ready.

However, they suffer from a few issues that make them difficult to work with and identify/fix problems when they occur:

  • weave together disparate components:
    • AWS tarballs to define a network to test against
    • docker containers for test environmenting
    • python library to execute processes and validate results

These components have become bloated:

As a result:

  • adding new tests to precisely validate new features becomes tedious and basically isn't done
  • diagnosing and fixing a break can take hours/days instead of minutes for the uninitiated


Produce a design doc that proposes a way to refactor the end to end tests so as to fix these issues.





Maybe these old tests can be deprecated in favor of the new e2e scripts used for conduit:

Maybe these old tests can be deprecated in favor of the new e2e scripts used for conduit:

They seem to share some python functions, but I agree that we should look to see if we can consolidate the python if possible.