algorand / go-algorand-sdk

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go-algorand-sdk is unable to read a block from 3.3.x 'future' protocol (teal 6) node

pbennett opened this issue · comments

Subject of the issue

Any attempt to read a Block from algod using code similar to:


Produces the error:

no matching struct field found when decoding stream map with key cc

Your environment

OSX: Using locally built (from master - w/ tealdbg PR applied) for Teal 6 development:

12885103145 [algochoi/tealdbg-itxns] (commit #aefe9d57)

Node is being started with private network template with proto set to 'future'

It isn't really possible for the SDKs to support "future". Features could be enabled there which are never going to be fully released (Like the compact certificate feature mentioned here).

Pretty sure this was already fixed @winder - the SDK just needs to ignore unknown fields. I believe that change went in.