algolia / search-bundle

Seamless integration of Algolia Search into your Symfony project.

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Class 'Algolia\SearchBundle\Document\Aggregator' does not exist

Cypaubr opened this issue · comments

  • Symfony version: 3.4.28
  • Algolia Search Bundle version: 3.4.0
  • Algolia Client Version: #.#.#
  • Language Version:


Can't do nothing, just this error is raised:
Class 'Algolia\SearchBundle\Document\Aggregator' does not exist

Steps To Reproduce

Install SearchBundle following the documentation.

Hi @Cypaubr, thanks for reporting this issue.

I’ve tried to reproduce your step and I’m not able to raise your error, did you follow our Documentation?

Don’t hesitate to tell us which part of our documentation you had troubles with to see together what can be your issue.

Yes, I followed the documentation. But I guess the problem is caused by the fact I use Doctrine ODM not the ORM.

I'm having the same problem with the aggregator class missing. We are also using Doctrine ODM in our project, though we are not trying to index MongoDB documents, just ORM entities. As soon as I turn auto_mapping on for ODM, this error comes up.

PHP 7.3.8
Symfony 3.4.30
Search Bundle 3.4

Any ideas how to get around this?

Got the same issue upgrading from 3.3.2 to 3.4.0. (also using Doctrine ODM)

It's probably caused by #257 , so we decided to stick with 3.3.3 for the time being...

@neyric Did you created your own aggregator for using the ODM with search-client?