algolia / search-bundle

Seamless integration of Algolia Search into your Symfony project.

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Increase PHPStan level to 5

nunomaduro opened this issue · comments

Seems that PHPStan (phpstan.neon.dist) is analysing the project using the level 1, the goal here is bump the level until 5.

Wouldn't be also helpful to incorporate PHPCS? The core with addition of is a great addition to almost any project increasing its quality dramatically.

@kiler129 Yes. We have a issue created to study those tools: algolia/algoliasearch-client-php#519

Those features have been added to our new SearchBundle v4 🎉 ! Don't hesitate and follow our upgrade guide to get acquainted with all the new features it proposes. It's still an alpha, so feedbacks are more than welcome!

Happy coding