algolia / react-element-to-jsx-string

Turn a ReactElement into the corresponding JSX string

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[object Object] displayName for React.forwardRef components

g12i opened this issue · comments

React.forwardRef creates an object with a rendering function moved to a .render property (see here).

function forwardRef(render) {
  return {
     $$typeof: REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE,

I'd suggest to use react-is package and copy logic from React's shared/getComponentNameFromType.js

import { isForwardRef } from "react-is";

function getWrappedName(
  outerType: mixed,
  innerType: any,
): string {
  const displayName = (outerType: any).displayName;
  if (displayName) {
    return displayName;
  return innerType.displayName || || 'No Display Name';

const getReactElementDisplayName = (element: mixed): string => {
  if (isForwardRef(element)) {
    return getWrappedName(element, (element as any).type);
  // .. .etc

This should be fixed by #617. Let me know if this is not the case. Meanwhile I'm closing this issue.