algolia / instantsearch

⚑️ Libraries for building performant and instant search experiences with Algolia. Compatible with JavaScript, TypeScript, React and Vue.

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Soft navigation in Next.js 14 App Router to a page with instant search routes me back to the previous page on the client

fcasibu opened this issue Β· comments

πŸ› Current behavior

Pretty much described it on the issue title, code:

πŸ” Steps to reproduce

  1. Start from home
  2. Navigate to Search by clicking the link in the header
  3. It will then navigate you back to home

Live reproduction

πŸ’­ Expected behavior

It should not redirect me back to the homepage and it should stay in /search. This however does not happen if you directly go to /search.

I also tried looking into the codebase for the react-instantsearch-router-nextjs package and it uses window.location in the client, but after some digging the information it gives is not correct.

So to fix I would have to pass getLocation in routerOptions to keep using serverUrl

  routerOptions: {
    getLocation() {
      return new URL(serverUrl);

But this is something that shouldn't need to be configured to fix

Package version

react-instantsearch-nextjs 0.1.14, react-instantsearch-router-nextjs 7.7.0

Operating system

macOS 13.2.1


Brave v1.63.174

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Hi @fcasibu,

react-instantsearch-router-nextjs is meant to be used with the pages router only, not with the app router. Naming is confusing but we made it before the app router was released :/

The InstantSearchNext component handles routing with Next.js already and computes the server url on its own, you just have to pass true to routing like :

<InstantSearchNext routing={true} />
// or
<InstantSearchNext routing />

You can see it on our docs here :

Can you confirm it works for you with just routing={true} ? (you can even remove react-instantsearch-router-nextjs from your dependencies)

I am using this package because of previous project but haven't realized that, but yes it does indeed work, thanks @aymeric-giraudet

I also found the same issue when I added routing. should I create new issue or discussion?

follow this readme

As with the <InstantSearch> component, you can pass a routing prop to the <InstantSearchNext> component to customize the routing behavior. The difference here is that routing.router takes the same options as the historyRouter.

    router: history() as any,
    // stateMapping: simple(),
    preserveSharedStateOnUnmount: true,

I can't use history() without as any because of this TS error

  • not show any error when using createInstantSearchRouterNext


is it possible to have example of app router with custom routing?