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Highlight of hierarchical fields not working

ThomasJejkal opened this issue Β· comments

πŸ› Current behavior

According to the documentation, using the highlight component for hierarchical fields should work for the following example hit:

   "_index": "test_index",
   "_id": "4b4876e1-5749-4d5f-95b6-2251681c96e1",
   "_score": 1.0,
   "_source": {
      "metadata": {
         "publisher": "Albert Einstein",
         "publicationYear": "2023"
   "highlight": {
      "metadata.publisher": [
         "<em>Albert</em> Einstein"

as follows:

<Highlight attribute="metadata.publisher" hit={hit}/>

Instead, the highlight component is not rendered at all. Instead, if I change the attribute key as follows:

hit._highlightResult['test'] = hit._highlightResult['metadata.publisher'];

the following works:

<Highlight attribute="test" hit={hit}/>

πŸ” Steps to reproduce

Live reproduction

πŸ’­ Expected behavior

Well, that's easy. I would expect the highlighting also to work for hierarchical attributes.

Package version

react-instantsearch 7.5.3

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Hi, you'll need to set the root level of your hierarchical attribute in attributesToHighlight in order to retrieve highlights for sub levels, for example:

  <Configure attributesToHighlight={['metadata']} /> {/* This can also be done in the Dashboard */}
  <Hits hitComponent={HitComponent} />

// ...

function HitComponent({ hit }) {
  return <div>
    <Highlight attribute="metadata.publisher" hit={hit} />

Thanks a lot for the hint, but I'm a bit confused, mainly because of not understanding the difference between using search_settings and the Configuration-Component and how their setting relate to each other.

While configuring SearchKit I'm providing the highlight_attributes, which looks as follows:

search_settings: {
   search_attributes: ['metadata.publisher'],
   result_attributes: ['metadata.publisher'],
   highlight_attributes: ['metadata.publisher']

If I provide there only 'metadata' in 'highlight_attributes', the _highlightResult will be:

   "metadata" : {
      "value":"[object Object]"

However, the Highlight-Component seems not to be able to deal with "[object Object]", so it remains empty not matter of adding Configuration or not.

Instead, when using your code, _highlightResult again looks like

   "metadata.publisher" : {
      "matchedWords" : ["Albert"],
      "value":"<mark>Albert</mark> E"

but the Highlight-Component still receives no value.

It's possible SearchKit doesn't generate and return the highlighted results the same way Algolia does for nested attributes. You would have to check with them in that instance.