algolia / instantsearch

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are some type definitions within the default `history()` router and `stateMapping` incorrect?

i-a-n opened this issue Β· comments

πŸ› Current behavior

I notice that the functions I pass to the default history() router and stateMapping object seem to require different types than they actually use. specifically, for one example, the createURL() function, instantiated like this:

import { InstantSearch } from 'react-instantsearch';
import { history } from 'instantsearch.js/es/lib/routers';

// ..
  searchClient={/* .. */}
    router: history({
      createURL({ qsModule, routeState, location }) {
        // `routeState` here thinks it's of type "UiState"..
        // UIState is:
        // [indexName] : { query, ... }

        // ..but that's not what it is:
        // { query: 'foo', ... }

        // ^ there's no [indexName] key! it seems to actually just be "IndexUiState"

it seems these functions (createURL, parseURL, stateToRoute, routeToState, etc) all expect the routeState or uiState parameters to be of type UiState, but I think I'm seeing those parameters actually being of type IndexUiState.

is it possible there's a mistake in the type definition files?

πŸ” Steps to reproduce

I created a vanilla react-typescript sandbox and copied over the default "routing-seo-friendly" example from the documentation:

this looks to me like (in the search-results.ts file) there is clearly a problem with the uiState type definitions.

Live reproduction

πŸ’­ Expected behavior

...I'd expect the type defs to line up with what's actually being provided from those methods, I suppose

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latest instantsearch.js

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I believe this is not totally clear, but the default value of TRouteState is UiState, so to correctly do the typing, you need something like this:

type RouteState = {
  query?: string
}; // or IndexUiState if you use a straight mapping

<InstantSearch<UiState, RouteState>
  searchClient={/* .. */}
    router: history({
      createURL({ qsModule, routeState, location }) {
        // `routeState` here thinks it's of type "UiState"..
        // UIState is:
        // [indexName] : { query, ... }

        // ..but that's not what it is:
        // { query: 'foo', ... }

        // ^ there's no [indexName] key! it seems to actually just be "IndexUiState"

There's definitely improvements possible in this type, but we haven't found the most ergonomic way to infer these types yet

got it, thanks! I understand how the """fix"" could be quite complex so I'll close this issue since there's a simple workaround πŸ‘