algolia / instantsearch

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Insights triggering too many requests and blocking the user thread. (CORB).

bernardinorafael opened this issue Β· comments

πŸ› Current behavior

I noticed a behavior that curiously only happens in RefinementList, and more specifically when cleaning the search and resending information.

The browser is throwing the following error: "Refused to set unsafe header Content-Length".

You may also notice some error messages reporting CORB problems.


πŸ” Steps to reproduce

1 - Go to
2 - Use some faceted search filters and inspect the browser.

Live reproduction

πŸ’­ Expected behavior

No errors when re-searching when clearing RefinementList components

Package version

react-instantsearch: 7.1.0, react-instantsearch-core: 7.1.0

Operating system

No response


No response

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Encountering the same, though in our use case, there's no use of RefinementList.


I totally forgot about this issue.

my problem was related to a call to useInfiniteQuery, which was interfering with useRefinementList queries, I have already resolved this problem.

How did you resolve this? @bernardinorafael