algolia / instantsearch

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remix URL does not get updated

Haroenv opened this issue · comments

Hi @Haroenv, thanks for your quick response, we solved the error follow your reply!

Now we have another issue, when we change the refinements, the url changed, but the loader of remix not reload

It makes me upset because we need to do some data transformation work on the loader according to the url.

You can visit this sandbox:,1

When you select one refinement, the url on the address bar changed, but not trigger the reload of remix loader


Originally posted by @jason-rb2 in #5831 (comment)

Hi @jason-rb2,

That's expected, as React InstantSearch runs client-side after it's been server-side rendered and hydrated. This way it directly calls the Algolia servers for a faster search experience. Typically if users wanted to get data based on the search parameters they would do this client-side as well.

If you still need this page to be server-side rendered for each action done by the user, you can set the push option of the history router, and use for example navigate from useNavigate that's exported by Remix.

Here's a CodeSandbox showing how that would work :,37
You can see serverUrl does get updated.

It should be noted that in order for useNavigate not to throw on the server due to limitations with getServerState, I had <Search /> be wrapped by a MemoryRouter, only in getServerState from react-router, which is what Remix is based on.

Based on the reactions, I assume this is solved, thanks!