algolia / instantsearch

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Bug: incorrect highlight with full-width characters

shigma opened this issue Β· comments


πŸ› Current behavior


I searched with the 2-character word "ζ΅‹θ―•", but got 5 characters highlighted.

πŸ” Steps to reproduce

  1. go to the page below
  2. search "ζ΅‹θ―•"
  3. see the incorrect highlight

Live reproduction

πŸ’­ Expected behavior

Only "ζ΅‹θ―•" should be hightlighted.

Package version

vue-instantsearch 4.7.2

Operating system

not relavent


not relavent

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You've marked this issue as closed, did you find out what was causing it? I believe it would be the actual engine returning those highlights, if they happen consistently. Possibly synonyms are also involved?


Yes. It seems an issue from meilisearch. Their matchesInfo contains byte length instead of character length. So I'll be tracking this issue on their side.