algolia / algoliasearch-client-swift

⚑️ A fully-featured and blazing-fast Swift API client to interact with Algolia.

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Facet values with certain characters don't work

mschinis opened this issue Β· comments

Describe the bug πŸ›
I am currently using this library to build the requests sent to algolia, and noticed than when a value has a special character like & it is not percent encoded, leading to an incorrect query and the request failing.

If I percent encode it myself, before passing it in the library, the library then, double percent encodes it, leading to 0 results.


.map { "\($\($0.value?.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlAllowed) ?? "")" }

Expected behavior πŸ’­
The library should percent encode, allowing only alpha numerics instead of url allowed

Hi @mschinis,
Could you give a concrete example of a parameter leading to failure?
I made a test of query with & and the url encoding works as expected.

let query = Query().set(\.query, to: "request with &")
print(query.urlEncodedString) // query=request%20with%20%26

Hi @VladislavFitz,

Sure, the issue I'm having is for facet values. I should have mentioned that I'm also using InstantSearchCore for building these requests like so:

        let queryBuilder = QueryBuilder(
            query: "Ostrich wall lamp",
            disjunctiveFacets: [
                // ..
            filterGroups: [ 
                    filters: [
                        FacetFilter(attribute: "manufacturer", stringValue: "&Quirky")
                    name: "manufacturer"
                // ...
            hierarchicalAttributes: [
                // ..
            hierachicalFilters: [
                // ..

Executing the above query, results in the following:

Screenshot 2022-03-22 at 12 50 59

After looking at this further, might be related to how InstantSearchCore is using AlgoliaSearchClient πŸ€”