algolia / algoliasearch-client-swift

⚑️ A fully-featured and blazing-fast Swift API client to interact with Algolia.

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SearchClient.multipleQueries() does not return queryID in SearchResponse objects

matt-alltrails opened this issue Β· comments

Describe the bug πŸ›
When using the SearchClient.multipleQueries() function, the SearchResponse objects for the queries have a nil queryID property. We need this value to implement click tracking.

To Reproduce πŸ”
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create multiple queries, and submit them via SearchClient.multipleQueries()
  2. Check for a .success result and extract the searchResponse, set a breakpoint here
  3. Inspect the SearchesResponse object. Open up the child results, and note that the queryID property is nil

Expected behavior πŸ’­
The child SearchResponse objects should have a populated queryID property that we can then use for click tracking.

Screenshots πŸ–₯
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


  • OS: iOS, Swift
  • Version: 8.10.0

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

This was completely my mistake, I didn't have click tracking turned on in the queries. Sorry for the distraction! I am closing this issue.