alfrekjv / ppi-docs

PPI Documentation Project


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Step 1
You need a checkout of the PPI framework.
Check this out to a folder for example: /var/www/ppi-framework/

Checkout the PPI Skeleton App to a folder for example: /var/www/ppi-skeleton-app/

Update your skeleton app's index.php to include the framework's path/init.php file.
For example: include_once('../ppi-framework/init.php');

Step 2
-> You need to update the skeleton apps config file to suit your HTTP path.
The config file is located: /var/www/ppi-skeleton-app/App/Config/general.ini
This config file has two sections, [development] and [production]. By default you'll be editing [development]
system.base_url = http://localhost/ppi-skeleton-app/  <-- Note this must end in a slash.

-> If you want to use a database on your app.
Create your database then import the SQL from /var/www/ppi-skeleton-app/patchscripts/setup.sql
Update your config file to match the login credentials for your database.
The settings for this are: db.hostname, db.username.. and so on.

Step 3
Browse to http://localhost/ppi-skeleton-app/admin
Login with email: / password: 123456

You are ready to go!


PPI Documentation Project