alfredfrancis / ai-chatbot-framework

A python chatbot framework with Natural Language Understanding and Artificial Intelligence.

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failed docker run ...

msalam72 opened this issue · comments

when I do
docker run --name=iky_backend --link mongo:3.6 -e="APPLICATION_ENV=Production" iky_backend:2.0.0

I get
gunicorn run:app --bind --access-logfile=logs/gunicorn-access.log --error-logfile logs/gunicorn-error.log
make: *** [Makefile:21: run_docker] Error 3

Any advice?

I have similar error

when I do
docker run --name=iky_backend --link mongo:3.6 -e="APPLICATION_ENV=Production" iky_backend:2.0.0

Then I get
Makefile:16: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.

Do you have any nice idea?
Thank you!

Fixed in latest master