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T-select runs @change event two times

mort3za opened this issue · comments

If you add @change on <t-select /> it will execute the onChange method two times. Once with $event parameter and second time with it's new value.

<t-select @change="onChange" :options="[1, 2, 3]" v-model="mymodel" />

methods: {
  onChange(parameter1) {
    // by selecting item 2 in t-select will print:
    // Event {isTrusted: true, ...}
    // '2'

We have the same behavior for t-input and I think that's a serious performance issue.

<t-input :value="var" @input="val => this.var = val"/>
// or with v-model
<t-input v-model="var"/>

We can clearly see that with a log in the setter of a computed property:

  data() {
    return {
      varProxy: '456'
  computed: {
    var: {
        return this.varProxy
      set(val) {
        console.log('val', val)
        this.varProxy = val;

I guess it's because of the double watchers on the prop and localValue here... This pattern is used:

// <t-input> component

  <input v-model="localValue" />

export default {
  props: ['value'],
  data() {
    return {
      localValue: this.value,
  watch: {
    localValue(localValue) {
        console.log('localValue changed', localValue)
        this.$emit('input', localValue)
    value(value) {
    console.log('value changed', value)
      this.localValue = value

I don't really see the point of this double watcher. Would be better to have something like this:

// <my-input> component

    <input v-model="varComputed" />

export default {
    props: ['value'],
    computed: {
        varComputed: {
                return this.value
            set(val) {
                this.$emit('input', val)

What do you think?