alfnielsen / redux-area

simplified strongly typed redux

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Unless you don't want to use saga's, it's recommended to install redux-saga-area instead of redux-area

Short: Simplified strongly typed redux

When defining redux actions and reducers with typescript, you often need a lot of typing for interfaces to ensure that you can use your actions, action-creators and reducers with autocompletion ect.

Redux-area tries to simplify creation of redux logic by hiding / calculating types, keeping the code more clean.

The goal is: to ease and reduce the amount of code we need to write to get all benefits of both

  • redux (single truth, deterministic state transition and view rendering, time travel ect..) and
  • typescript (strongly typed symbols and interfaces, code checking/nullable check, auto-rewriting, autocompletion, auto-importing ect..).

Redux-area uses the immer npm module for keeping the reducers as simple as possible.

You can create normal reducers if you need them

Github Source Code (The npm package)

See codesandbox Demo in React

See Github Wiki for full Documentation

See also

redux-saga-area Same functionality with added redux-saga functionality


react-redux-area is another module the add React specific functionality to redux-area:



npm install redux-area


yarn add redux-area

You need to have installed: "immer": "^5.x", "redux": "^4.x",

Full install

yarn add immer redux redux-area



Demo: Demo in React


simplified strongly typed redux


Language:TypeScript 100.0%