alexyarosh / Simplicial

This is a package for various computations with simplicial complexes and combinatorial codes

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Package Simplicial

This package provides data structures and algorithms for combinatorial topology. Currently, it can handle abstract simplicial complexes, directed complexes, and combinatorial codes. The package is written in Julia language. The long-term goal of this project is to be a "swiss-knife" for manipulating (very large) combinatorial structures, with an eye towards topological data analysis.

DISCLAIMER: This software is still in development. The documentation is currently very sparse. Use at your own risk! Please let us know if you'd like to contribute. The work was supported by the ARO award W911NF-15-1-0084.

This package interfaces with existing software for homology computations, such as Perseus. In the future, Simplicial will interface with other TDA software.


julia> Pkg.update(); Pkg.add("Plotly")

julia> Pkg.clone("")


julia> using Simplicial

Let's create a filtration of Dowker complexes of a matrix A:

julia> A=rand(10,30); K, GraphDensity=DowkerComplex(A); show(K)

Let's compute the persistent intervals of the Dowker complex of A, in dimension <=2 and going no further than graph density<=0.7:

julia> Intervals, GraphDensity= DowkerPersistentintervals(A,0.7,2);

Let's plot the Betti curves for these persistent intervals:

julia> using Plotly

julia> PlotBettiCurves(Intervals,GraphDensity,2)

The module Simplicial defines the following types:

  • The type CodeWord is an alias for Set{Int16}. It is always recommended to use it instead of Set{Int}, as the exact data types may change in the future.
  • CombinatorialCode for combinatorial codes.
  • SimplicialComplex for simplicial complexes.
  • FiltrationOfSimplicialComplexes for increasing sequences of simplicial complexes.

There is a number of utility constants, such as emptyset (the empty set as an instance of type CodeWord).

Type CombinatorialCode

Objects of this type represent combinatorial codes (V,C). It has the following constructors:

  • C = CombinatorialCode(ListOfWords::Array{Any,1}) will convert each element of ListOfWords into a CodeWord, then remove repetitions of words, before storing them in sorted order in C.words. Moreover, it sets C.vertices to be the union of all sets in ListOfWords
  • C = CombinatorialCode(words::Array{CodeWord,1}, vertices::CodeWord) same as above, except it manually sets C.vertices
  • C = CombinatorialCode(SC::SimplicialComplex) creates a code which stores every face of SC

The following methods are defined:

  • HasEmptySet(code::CombinatorialCode) returns true if the emptyset is an element of code

Type SimplicialComplex

Objects of this type represent simplicial complexes (V,D). They are stored as a list of the facets of D. It has the following constructors:

  • K = SimplicialComplex(ListOfWords::Array{Any,1}) converts the elements of ListOfWords to CodeWord and then stores the maximal (by set inclusion) words. Moreover, it sets K.vertices to the union of the facets.
  • K = SimplicialComplex(CC::CombinatorialCode) creates a simplicial complex which represents the "subset-completion" of CC

Type FiltrationOfSimplicialComplexes

(It's what you think it is; the description is still to be written).


The following methods are defined:

isvoid and isirrelevant

  • isvoid(code::CombinatorialCode) returns true if code contains no codewords (not even the empty set)
  • isirrelevant(code::CombinatorialCode) returns true if code consists of only the empty set
  • isvoid(K::SimplicialComplex) returns true if K contains no facets (not even the empty set)
  • isirrelevant(K::SimplicialComplex) returns true if K has only the empty set


Equality comparison operator has the following methods added:

  • ==(SC1::SimplicialComplex, SC2::SimplicialComplex) compares two instances of SimplicialComplex
  • ==(C1::CombinatorialCode,C2::CombinatorialCode) compares two instances of CombinatorialCode


Membership query can operate on the following types:

  • in(word::CodeWord,code::CombinatorialCode) returns true if word is an element of code.words
  • in(a::Array{Int,1},c::CombinatorialCode)
  • in(word::CodeWord,K::SimplicialComplex)
  • in(a::Array{Int,1},K::SimplicialComplex)


Methods for pretty-printing are added:

  • show(c::CodeWord)
  • show(K::SimplicialComplex)


Methods for computing the link of a codeword or simplex:

  • link(SC::SimplicialComplex, sigma::Set{Int}) returns a new complex representing the link of sigma in SC
  • link(C::CombinatorialCode, sigma::Set{Int}) returns a new code representing the link of sigma in C


  • del(SC::SimplicialComplex, sigma::Set{Int}) returns a new SimplicialComplex with sigma and all its cofaces deleted.
  • del(C::CombinatorialCode, sigma::Set{Int}) returns a new CombinatorialCode by subtracting sigma from each codeword in C


returns a new simplicial complex which is the Alexander Dual of SC. WARNING: THERE IS CURRENTLY A BUG IN Alexander_dual(SC::SimplicialComplex). DO NOT USE


Definition: A combinatorial code is a pair (V,C) where V is a finite set (typically the set {1,...,n} for some n) and C is a set of subsets of V. The elements of C are called codewords; the set V is sometimes called the set of vertices.

Definition: An abstract simplicial complex is a pair (V,D) where V is a finite set and D is a collection of subsets of V satisfying two conditions:

  1. for all v in V, {v} is in D
  2. for all s in D, if t is a subset of s, then t is in D We typically refer to a simplicial complex simply as D. If s is in D, we call s a face of D or a simplex of D (from here forward, we will use "face" exclusively). The subsets of a face are, in turn, its faces, and its supersets (in D) are its cofaces. When D is ambiguously used to refer to the pair (V,D), we denote V by V(D).

We call attention to a special case here: there are two possible simplicial complexes with empty vertex (i.e. V = {}). The first is the void complex, or the null complex, where D is also empty (so V = {}, D = {}). The other is the irrelevant complex or the empty complex, where D contains only one set, the empty set (so V = {}, D = {{}}).

  • The dimension of a face is one less than the number of elements in that face. The dimension of a simplicial complex is the maximum of the dimensions of its faces. In particular, this means the empty complex has dimension -1. We define the dimension of the void complex to be -Infinity.
  • A facet is a maximal (by set inclusion) face of a simplicial complex. A simplicial complex is pure if all its facets are of the same dimension.
  • The Alexander dual of a simplicial complex (V,D) is the complex (V,D') where s is in D' iff V \ s is not in D.
  • The link of a face s is the simplicial complex link(s,D) = {t \subset V : s \cap t = empty, s \cup t \in D}.


This is a package for various computations with simplicial complexes and combinatorial codes



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