alexozer / flitter

A Livesplit-inspired speedrunning split timer for Linux/macOS terminal. Supports global hotkeys.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dune install error

MatthewAlanLeBrun opened this issue · comments

dune install is not working and giving the following output:

Error: The following <package>.install are missing:
- _build/default/vendor/notty/notty_lwt.install
Hint: try running: dune build @install

When I try following the hint I get this:

malb@greybox:~/Apps/flitter$ dune build @install
File "vendor/notty/lwt/", line 68, characters 25-64:
Error: This expression has type (unit -> unit) Lwt.t
       but an expression was expected of type unit Lwt.t
       Hint: Did you forget to provide `()' as argument?
Done: 216/229 (jobs: 1)

Fixed in 666c548.