alexmojaki / funcfinder

A tool for automatically solving problems of the form "I need a python function that does X."

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Improved searching

alexmojaki opened this issue · comments

Searching through questions is currently very primitive. It's simply implemented as:

for question in funcfinder.questions.functions.itervalues():
        search_string = (question.__name__ + question.__doc__).lower()
        if all(imap(search_string.__contains__, terms)):

There is no indexing to improve speed, fuzzy matching (i.e. users can't make spelling errors or use a synonym that wasn't explicitly inserted by the author), boolean operators, or any other features typically offered by search engines. What would be a good solution to improve search without diminishing the convenience of the funcfinder find command?