AlexH0661 / duounix-deploy

Deploy DUO MFA to Unix Machines

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Duo Unix - Deploy


This role is designed to deploy Duo's Unix Multi Factor Authentication application, and complete a base configuration.

Example Playbook

- name: Deploy Duo Unix - Multi Factor Authentication
  hosts: all
  become: True
    INTEGRATION_KEY: !vault |
    SECRET_KEY: !vault |
    API_HOSTNAME: api-<api-uid>
    sudo_auth: True
    ssh_auth: False
    - duounix

Example Run

ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -Kkv --ask-vault-pass

Available Variables

name default required affects
INTEGRATION_KEY none True Duo API Access
SECRET_KEY none True Duo API Access
API_HOSTNAME none True Duo API Access
failmode safe False Duo Config
pushinfo yes False Duo Config
autopush yes False Duo Config
prompts 1 False Duo Config
groups none False Duo Config
ssh_auth True False SSH MFA Config
sudo_auth False False Sudo MFA Config
all_auth False False System wide MFA Config

To find out more about the Duo Config, please go to


Deploy DUO MFA to Unix Machines