alexdremov / DAIM

Lightweight and efficient MySQL PHP requests framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The framework is designed to minimize usage of SQL code in interactions between MySQL server and PHP scripts; to bind PHP object alterations with DB alterations.

Why it is gorgeous?

  • Reactive models. You change PHP model — Database changes automatically.
  • Generates PHP classes according to existing tables, helps your IDE with suggestions.
  • Keeps connections efficient, as it uses only one active MySQL connection throughout all interactions.
  • Keeps connections to multiple databases organized.
  • Automatic prevention of SQL-injections.


Just use composer.

composer require alexdremov/daim


You can use it for keeping your Database connections organized and single. At first, you need to setup the framework:

use DAIM\Core\Connection;
use DAIM\Core\Credentials;

$cred = new Credentials();


Connection::getConnection(); # returns active MySQL connection (instance of mysqli class);

# To set up a second connection (maybe to the second database),
# you can create additional connection mode:

 * Set up $cred2 as instance of Credentials class for the second connection
 * @var $cred2 Credentials;

Connection::setCredentials($cred2, "secondConnectionName");

Now we are ready to go.

// Basic raw query.
Connection::query('SELECT * FROM `Persons` WHERE 1', "secondConnectionName");

Currently, I am working on Query Builder. The project's state is beta, but some features are already available:


use DAIM\Core\QueryBuilder;
use DAIM\Syntax\SQLEntities\Conditions;

$qb = new QueryBuilder();
$result = $qb->select('*')->from('Information')->request();

# Or more complicated usage:

$result = $qb->select(
    'Persons.LastName', 'Persons.PersonID', 'Information.Tel'
    'Information', 'Persons'
    (new Conditions())->field('Information.PersonID')->equal()->field('Persons.PersonID')

# Generates SQL
# SELECT Persons.LastName, Persons.PersonID, Information.Tel FROM Information, Persons WHERE Information.PersonID = Persons.PersonID
# final ->request() returns instance of QueryResult class.


use DAIM\Core\QueryBuilder;

$qb = new QueryBuilder();

$qb->insertInto('tableName', array(
$response = $qb->request(); // Commit changes

// Or longer version:

$qb->insertInto('tableName')->columns('field1', 'field2', 'field3')->values('value1', 'value2', 'value3')->request();
$qb->insertInto('tableName')->values('value1', 'value2', 'value3')->request();

Subqueries are also available in INSERT builder.

Such limited library usage is due to the beta status of the project.


Lightweight and efficient MySQL PHP requests framework

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 98.6%Language:TSQL 1.4%