alexcrist / stag-hunt

A game based off of the game theory 'stag hunt' game

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stag Hunt

How to devlop

  • Open two terminal tabs

  • In one, run yarn start:dev

    • This starts up the back end
    • If a change is made to the back end files, the server restarts automatically
  • In the other tab, run yarn bundle:dev

    • This bundles all the front end .js files into a single bundle.js payload which can be served to the front end
    • If a change is made to the front end files, the bundler will rerun automatically


  • Splash screen, "Hunt the stag together (wasd)"
  • Hunger bar
  • Collision detection with animals
    • Eat
    • Respawn
  • Feedback of succesful catch
  • Deploy
  • Hype
  • Animal meandering
  • Back drop (maintain pixel aesthetic)
    • Lake / river (obstacle, slower speed)
  • Document code


The race

Make the stag-hunt a race to get points. Each player is not racing against one another, but aganist a global scoreboard. A rabbit is worth 1 point, a stag is worth 10 points. Once a player gets 100 points, their time is recorded and entered into a global stag-hunt leaderboard. Although each player is working individually, they should go for the stag together to each get faster times. This hopefully emulates the stag-hunt situation realistically.


  • Randomize animal speed
  • Randomize animal rewards
  • Have animals slow down over time (tire?)
  • Record level of cooperation along with final score?
  • Allow some kind of user generated content? Setting up obstacles?

Stretch ideas

  • Procedurally generated infinite background??

More games

Create a suite of stag-hunt style games for different game theory games (just games with Nash equilibria that can involve cooperation rather than only defection)


A game based off of the game theory 'stag hunt' game

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 98.6%Language:HTML 1.4%