alexcasalboni / aws-lambda-power-tuning

AWS Lambda Power Tuning is an open-source tool that can help you visualize and fine-tune the memory/power configuration of Lambda functions. It runs in your own AWS account - powered by AWS Step Functions - and it supports three optimization strategies: cost, speed, and balanced.

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Terraform deployment

andybkay opened this issue Β· comments

Hi, while not an issue, I noticed all of the deployment methods are AWS services based. I've created a fork with a terraform deployment method, would this be something you'd be interested in me creating a pull request for?

Hi @andybkay πŸ‘‹ Thanks, that'd be awesome πŸ™

Unfortunately I'm not a Terraform expert (yet). How would that be different from this approach?

I assume you've converted the SAM/CloudFormation template to a "real" Terraform module? (including all the resources, input parameters, conditions, etc.)

From a user's point of view, what's the advantage wrt the SAR-based approach above?

Hi Alex,

The approach mentioned still uses CloudFormation. My client required that it use terraform to create the resources directly.

Your assumptions are correct yes, I deconstructed the CloudFormation template and rewrote it in terraform.

The difference from a users point of view is that it bypasses CF altogether. Which some people may prefer.

I need to do a little cleaning up, then I'll create the merge request.

That makes sense. Thank you, @andybkay!

I'm more than happy to include a Terraform-native deployment alternative.

The only downside I see is that we'll need to keep it up to date with the CloudFormation template, whenever there is a relevant architectural/deployment change. Is there some kind of versioning mechanism in Terraform modules so we can keep it aligned with SAR versions?

While that's possible, it'd be git that'd handle the versioning, not the terraform module itself. Is there a notification method for changes to particular files in github? I'd be happy to actively support the module.

Of course, we'll let git handle the versioning πŸ‘

I was referring to the semantic versioning of the app itself πŸ˜„ The current version is 4.2.0 (check out the SAM template). Since the two templates might get out of sync (for a few days/weeks?), I liked the idea of explicitly assigning a semantic version to both.

I don't think there is a way to be notified of specific file updates, but I'd be glad to notify you (or simply open a new issue) whenever a Terraform update is required. Would that work?

That works for me yes πŸ‘ I'll get the module finalised and create a pull request this week hopefully.

Awesome πŸš€