alexbeletsky / todomvc-aura

TodoMVC based on Aura

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Improvements: Clear completed & Handlebars

grigio opened this issue · comments

Nice example, it would be interesting to implement also "Clear completed", Handlebars views and submit it to

Do you think it could be useful for others? I know aura team do work on some good examples, but it's not todo mvc app.

The other similar example has both, but it has also Backbone which isn't mandatory for Aura (as you shown in your example).
The html views inline are a bad practise AFAIK, so yes I think Handlebars integration could also useful for others :)

I actually see a lot of benefits with inline templating :)

But I could agree, with require.js and text plugin, templates could be fine. Are you considering to help with that ? :)

I'd like to help you but I've still to learn a lot about how to blend RequireJS + A MVC js framework + events in a proper way