alexander-yakushev / awesompd

Advanced mpd widget for Awesome WM

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Asynchronous network operations

alexander-yakushev opened this issue · comments

This includes:

  • asynchronous album covers fetching
  • API requests with timeout (in case of absent network connection)

The second part (asynchronous covers fetching) is done here: 45dbf9e
Downloading the cover for the current remains synchronous (to avoid showing user empty label), but when the new track starts playing, cover for the next track is asynchronously downloaded.

Asynchronous covers fetching made it to the both stable versions: 1.1.4 and 1.2.0.

Asynchronous API requests are not so important as they do not happen automatically (unlike cover fetching). So to avoid hangups just don't use Jamendo function while network is down.