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Handling of blank audio

jimxbob opened this issue · comments


LOVE this - finally got it working.. (I'm new to GIT and for some reason the checkout I did din't have the latest code).
Now I'm working, there are two niggles:
1/ I don't get the beep every time I press the button. I always get it the first time, but almost never from then on.
2/ If you don't say anything & end up writing a blank recording, you get an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 119, in <module>
  File "", line 99, in alexa
    data = r.content.split(boundary.encode('utf-8'))
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'boundary' referenced before assignment

It'd be great to catch this error & handle it seamlessly, though from my reading of other's attempts, echoing this out to say "no audio" to the terminal might be good too, as it'd indicate MIC problems.

I really ought to be able to fix these myself & contribute - time to learn Python!!



Hey, this project will soon be merged with You probably shouldn't waste too much effort on this :-)

Ah - Cool!
I've just had a look at the code there - looks much more advanced - debug mode, status LEDs etc etc.
Will it run on the CHIP with some tweaks to GPIO pinouts?

It currently runs under CHIP with some tweaks. I suggest you read through the documentation.

This project is now deprecated in favor of the new AlexaPi ( which has all the features of this project and much more, such as:

  • support for a wide range of devices and platforms (Raspberry Pi, CHIP, Orange Pi, desktops, Magic Mirror and others)
  • voice activation (great PocketSphinx support and snowboy support soon to be released)
  • much more robust installation and configuration
  • better security
  • Arch Linux support
  • awesome documentation
  • and much, much more! You get it - it's just awesome.

Please switch over to the new project and if your issue persists there, file an issue in the new repo's issue tracker. Thank you.