alex-courtis / xlayoutdisplay

Detects and arranges linux display outputs, using XRandR for detection and xrandr for arrangement.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pre-set primary based on device type possible?

NothingWorksToday opened this issue · comments


First and foremost many thanks for this good-working piece of software!
I'm running it on a laptop to which several monitors get connected. xlayoutdisplay together with the udev-rule provided successfully scans new monitors and sets them up accordingly.

What I would like is that the eDP is always set as secondary (that means, the connected monitor always is the primary monitor). However, xlayoutdisplay per default always uses eDP as primary. Can this be changed?
Of course I can re-run xlayoutdisplay with the modified primary monitor after initial config is done, but that defeats the purpose of the auto-detection :)

Thanks for your answer


  • we can set the order in .xlayoutdisplay
  • we can specify one primary in .xlayoutdisplay

order should suit your use case, however primary is a problem.

Possible solution: specify multiple primaries, picking the first available one, something like:
xlayoutdisplays -p HDMI-0 -p DP-4 -p eDP-1

Alternative: have the rule pass the primary to the xlayoutdisplay call, however that could be difficult / impossible.