alessioscalici / ui-base

A complete Gulp configuration for AngularJS projects

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ui-base — A complete Gulp configuration for AngularJS projects

This project is a build configuration for AngularJS projects. It's based on angular-seed, and adds a full set of tools to be ready to work with AngularJS and LESS. It is based on gulp.

The project contains a sample AngularJS application and is preconfigured to install the Angular framework and a bunch of development and testing tools.


  • LESS, CSS, Javascript, Jade and HTML minification (prod mode)
  • Cache busting
  • Version bumping
  • Automatic script / stylesheet injection in the index file
  • Templates module (html2js)
  • Unit test (Karma)
  • E2E test (Protractor) with Page / Component abstraction structure
  • Coverage report (Karma coverage)
  • Complexity report (Plato)
  • JS lint and code style checks
  • Watch mode

It's designed to use the Angular's modular structure, allowing using separate modules for different features.

Getting Started

To get you started you can simply clone the repository and install the dependencies:




Install Dependencies


npm install

to install node and bower components at once

Build the Application

The application can be built in development and production mode.

In development mode:

  • A JS linter and code style check is performed
  • Unit tests are run
  • A coverage report is generated (in http://localhost:8000/report/coverage)
  • A complexity report is generated (in http://localhost:8000/report/complexity)
  • The project src folder structure is preserved in the build directory
  • The LESS files are compiled into CSS
  • The _meta and _templ modules are generated
  • The JS and CSS files are injected in the index.html file
  • The metadata in src/meta.json is aligned with bower.json and package.json

In production mode:

  • The application is built in development mode, then:
  • The template files are minified and cached in the _templ Angular module
  • The CSS files are concatenated and minified and stored in the css/styles.min.css file
  • The JS files are concatenated and minified in the js/app.min.js file
  • The index.html is injected with the JS and CSS (with a cache buster query parameter hash) and then minified
  • The project version is bumped

If you have Gulp installed globally, run:

gulp dev               # builds the application in development mode
gulp prod              # builds the application in production mode
gulp prod -v 0.1.2     # builds in production mode and sets the version to 0.1.2
gulp prod -v patch     # builds in production mode and bumps the patch version (2.2.2 -> 2.2.3)
gulp prod -v minor     # builds in production mode and bumps the minor version (2.2.2-> 2.3.0)
gulp prod -v major     # builds in production mode and bumps the major version (2.2.2 -> 3.0.0)


npm run dev            # builds the application in development mode
npm run prod           # builds the application in production mode
npm run prod-patch     # builds in production mode and bumps the patch version (2.2.2 -> 2.2.3)
npm run prod-minor     # builds in production mode and bumps the minor version (2.2.2-> 2.3.0)
npm run prod-major     # builds in production mode and bumps the major version (2.2.2 -> 3.0.0)


Watch mode

In watch mode, the application is built in development mode, then gulp-watch will watch changes in the project files to automatically reflect those change in the build directory. No checks are performed during the watch, so before releasing it's recommended to stop the watch and rebuild the application using the dev or prod Gulp tasks

If you have Gulp installed globally, run:

gulp watch


npm run watch

Run the Application

There is a simple development web server. The simplest way to start this server is:

npm start

Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8000/build/index.html.

Directory Layout

src/                  --> all of the source files for the application
  vendor/                 --> bower third-party packages
  assets/                 --> assets folder for images, fonts etc.
  modules/                --> folder containing all Angular modules
    <module name>/       --> module folder
      module.js    		  --> the module declaration file, contains just the module dependency statement
      config/            --> optional folders containing the code, separated by type
  index.html              --> main index file (the main html template file of the app)
  _templ.js               --> template file for the template constant-map
  meta.json               --> contains development metadata (info on version, environment, apps etc.)
karma.conf.js             --> config file for running unit tests with Karma

e2e-tests/                --> end-to-end tests
  conf/                   --> Protractor config files
  abstract/               --> PageObject and Component abstraction objects
  pages/                  --> application-specific PageObjects
  specs/                  --> test-case specification files
gulpfile.js               --> Gulp tasks definition

build/                    --> the compiled application files

Adding a new module

To add a module called myModule to an application:

  1. add a new folder to the src/modules folder, called myModule (the module name)
  2. create a module.js file inside the myModule folder. This file has to contain ONLY the Angular module declaration.
  3. add the new module to the main module dependencies (in the main module's module.js file)

Running Unit Tests

The app comes preconfigured with unit tests. These are written in [Jasmine][jasmine], which we run with the [Karma Test Runner][karma]. There is a Karma configuration file to run them.

  • the configuration is found at karma.conf.js
  • the unit tests are found next to the code they are testing and are named as ....test.js.

To run the unit tests, use the supplied gulp task:

gulp karma

or, if you don't have Gulp installed globally:

npm run test

This script will start the Karma test runner to execute the unit tests.

A coverage html report will be generated, it will be available at http://localhost:8000/report/coverage.

A complexity html report will be generated, it will be available at http://localhost:8000/report/complexity.

End to end testing

Prerequisites: you should have webdriver and protractor installed globally. Install them running

npm install protractor -g


  1. Run the HTTP server with npm start
  2. Run the webdriver server with webdriver-manager start
  3. Run protractor with npm run e2e

In addition, since Protractor is built upon WebDriver we need to install this. There is a predefined script to do this:

npm run update-webdriver

This will download and install the latest version of the stand-alone WebDriver tool.

Once you have ensured that the development web server hosting our application is up and running and WebDriver is updated, you can run the end-to-end tests using the supplied npm script:

npm run protractor

This script will execute the end-to-end tests against the application being hosted on the development server.

Building a new application

To generate a new application, add a new voice to the src/meta.json file, under the apps property. The structure of the voice should be:

    "module" : "mainAppModule",      // the main app module name
    "index" : "path/to/index.html",  // the app index.html file
    "vendor" : {                     // lists of vendor files (external modules)
    	"head" : {							// to inject in the <head> tag...
    		"dev" : [],                       // in dev mode
    		"prod" : []                       // in prod mode (minified versions)
    	"body" : {							// to inject in the <body> tag...
    		"dev" : [],                       // in dev mode
    		"prod" : []                       // in prod mode (minified versions)


A complete Gulp configuration for AngularJS projects

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 95.9%Language:HTML 4.0%Language:CSS 0.1%