aleksandr-m / gitflow-maven-plugin

The Git-Flow Maven Plugin supports various Git workflows, including GitFlow and GitHub Flow. This plugin runs Git and Maven commands from the command line.

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gitflow-maven snapshot suffix issue

sriram0721 opened this issue · comments


I'm using git-flow maven for my releases. I'm doing version bumping of my features based on the develop. For example, if my development is 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, if I create a release branch it will become, 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-1. When I merge my feature to develop, the develop version is updated as 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-1 .
Now, if I start the release, using the gitflow-maven-plugin, it creates the release branch as release/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-1 even though If i set use-snapshot-version is set to false.

After that, i tried removing the -1 from the develop version and when i started the release, it create the release branch as release/1.0.0.

How can i mitigate this

Don't put -1 after snapshot. If you want something like release candidate numbering then use 1.0.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT pattern.
Also, you can always set release version in release-finish goal.

Also, you can always set release version in release-finish goal can you please explain this and how to do it ? @aleksandr-m

Do you mean, version digit to increament ?

Sorry, was referring to release-start goal and releaseVersion parameter. E.g. -DreleaseVersion=1.0.0.