alek-sys / sublimetext_indentxml

Plugin for Sublime Text editor for reindenting XML and JSON files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not indenting the following XML correctly

amit4got opened this issue · comments

Thanks for this plugin! Really helpful right now for me.
Unfortunately I don't have time to look into it now, as my knowledge of Python is quite limited, but the following XML does not indent correctly. Nothing major!

What the plugin returns:


                <Quantity UnitOfMeasureCode="Kg" Units="0.25">1</Quantity></Sale>

What the plugin should return:

                <Quantity UnitOfMeasureCode="Kg" Units="0.25">1</Quantity>


There is a weird non-visible symbol after , that is the reason. So your source XML is not well-formed. Exclude this symbol and formatting will work.
