aleju / papers

Summaries of machine learning papers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

License to use this as data

cmkumar87 opened this issue · comments

@aleju thanks for this great repository! It is generally ok to use anything on github (since it is opensource). However we want to ask you if we use the papers / blogs for academic research. we will happy to credit you and the github as the source. thanks!

I guess it ultimately depends on the exact use case, but so long as there is a reference somewhere I don't see any issue with re-using the content.

Just saw your corresponding eMail. Yes, using the articles as part of a dataset to train summarization models is completely fine and sounds like a great usage.

Yes, that's fine.

I already agreed, right above your post. Did you expect to get the agreement in a different form?