alefragnani / vscode-read-only-indicator

Read-Only Indicator Extension for Visual Studio Code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[FEATURE] - UI model support only show icon

tjx666 opened this issue · comments

"fileAccess.uiMode": "iconOnly"

Using pen icon to represent readable and writeable
Using pen with cross icon represent only readable

Hi @tjx666 ,

Thanks for your suggestion.

I wonder if I should replace the 🚫 (circle-dash) icon with the new 🔒 (lock-small), following the new readonly attribute that VS Code has added a few releases ago.

So, the fileAccess.uiMode setting would become:

uiMode Readonly Writeable
complete 🔒 [RO] 🖊️ [RW]
simple [RO] [RW]
iconOnly 🔒 🖊️