alefragnani / vscode-read-only-indicator

Read-Only Indicator Extension for Visual Studio Code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[FEATURE] - change all files access

Byzero512 opened this issue · comments

Hi @Byzero512 ,

Could you provide more details about your request?

I mean, would it change just open / modified files? Or do you mean the file access itself (chmod attribute)

Thank you

change modified file's mode to writable automatically.

I’m not sure about this. I mean, the extension’s initial idea was to be a File Access indicator. Yes, today it also has commands to change the file access individually, but making it responsible to automatically make the file writeable could be a little too much.

But, let’s see how other users react. If the issue receives enough attention, it could be added.

Hope this helps.