alecthomas / kingpin

CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY: A Go (golang) command line and flag parser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bad boolean Flag value is interpreted as Argument

dbenque opened this issue · comments

Using boolean Flag, and trying to assign a value to it is not reported as an error, instead the value is interpreted as an Argument of the program:

func main() {
	var (
		app = kingpin.New(filepath.Base(os.Args[0]), "My App.").DefaultEnvars()
		testBool = app.Flag("test-bool", "test-bool").Bool()
		//args = app.Arg("my args", "arg list").Required().Strings()

This would report an error if you run it (expected):
go run main.go --test-bool=false --> main: error: unexpected false, try --help

Now if you remove the comments to run the program with Arguments, here is what you get:
go run main.go --test-bool=false myArg

args=[false myArg]

Not only the list of arguments contains the string value false but the boolean is set to true.

Kingpin doesn't support this approach, you can use --no-test-bool to negate a flag.