alecthomas / kingpin

CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY: A Go (golang) command line and flag parser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The correct way to use a Ints flag

metalmatze opened this issue · comments

In the alertmanager-bot I'm writing I am using kingpin to get a slice of ints from a flag like:

a.Flag("telegram.admin", "The ID of the initial Telegram Admin").

For some reason it doesn't work to properly declare these multiple integers. Neither by environment variable nor by flag, as raised in metalmatze/alertmanager-bot#28

Examples of trying this are:

- TELEGRAM_ADMIN=**********,************
- TELEGRAM_ADMIN="**********,************"
- TELEGRAM_ADMIN='**********','************'
- TELEGRAM_ADMIN=['**********','************']

I can't figure out the proper way to use these. Are we missing something?

Thank you.

Multi-value envars are separated by newlines. Multi-value flags should be passed like so: --telegram.admin=2 --telegram.admin=3.

Perfect. Thanks for the elaboration! Works like a charm.